Electronic Library



Tuzikov, A. Russian Society and Russian Civil Identity (Case of the Youth): tutorial / A. Tuzikov, R. Zinurova. — Russian Society and Russian Civil Identity (Case of the Youth), 2025-01-18. — Электрон. дан. (1 файл). — Казань: Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет, 2018. — 100 с. — Гарантированный срок размещения в ЭБС до 18.01.2025 (автопролонгация). — Книга находится в премиум-версии IPR SMART. — Текст. — электронный. — <URL:https://www.iprbookshop.ru/100510.html>.

Record create date: 1/12/2023

Subject: российское общество; гражданская идентичность; молодежь; социология; личность

UDC: 316

LBC: 60.5

Collections: ЭБС "IPRbooks"; ЭБС "IPRbooks"

Allowed Actions: View


This Tutorial is aimed to help students majored in sociology, cross cultural management, marketing and for all who are interested in problems of contemporary Russian society and youth. Also this workbook is useful for MA students of such programs as Quality Management in Education, Management in Education, Public Administration and Sociology. The tutorial is prepared in the Institute of Innovation Management.

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